
Kentish and Latrobe Online Business Directory


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KaLIBA Networking Events

| Kentish and Latrobe Online Business Directory | Free Expert Business Advice | Promote Your Business to 3000 Key Local Customers | KaLIBA Networking Events

KaLIBA - a powerful independent voice for Kentish and Latrobe businesses

Free membership. Kentish and Latrobe Independent Business Association membership is open to all people who have an interest in enhancing business in the region, or who have a business location there, or who reside within the Kentish or Latrobe municipalities.

Be seen. Check the Kentish and Latrobe Online Business Directory to be sure people can contact your business.

Stay informed. Click here to register for regular relevant business information and invitations to local business events.

Grow your business. Promote your business to 3,000 other local business owners and key stakeholders at this link.

KaLIBA priorities

After interviewing hundreds of local businesses, KaLIBA’s priorities for it’s business support, promotions, programs and projects are focused in 5 priority areas:

priority #1 - Red TApe

Lobbying for small business regulation and process reform, and troubleshooting individual cases where bureaucracy is hampering a local business

Priority #2 - staff

Employment: Programs to help businesses with HR skills, staff retention, recruitment, young people’s careers and entrepreneurship

priority #3 - REsilience

Examining the various risk factors and providing programs, events and education in areas ranging from crime to natural disasters to mental health first aid

priority #4 - technology

Lobbying for funding to enhance telecommunications access, education programs for cyber security and the digital capability of local businesses

priority #5 - profile

Regular, relevant and high quality communications, promotions and events for local business people that enhance their capabilities and boost business-to-business collaboration and networking



Local people working to help your local business prosper

KaLIBA is a not-for-profit incorporated association with a volunteer Board elected by members. The Board coordinates and manages the wide range of projects in the Association, secures funding and fosters new initiatives. The current Board donates their time to provide a wealth of experience as diverse as the businesses of the Kentish and Latrobe municipalities.

KaLIBA is constantly wanting to expand the size and diversity of it’s Board of Management.  Might you be interested in contributing a couple of hours a month to join the team? Nominate yourself now and be invited to a KaLIBA Board meeting to see if you would like to join - there’s no obligation.

Nick Hutchinson, Chair, experience in HR and Management

Lesley Young, Treasurer, experience in Local Government & Agriculture

Kate Haberle, experience in Local Government & Hospitality

Michelle Smith, experience in Hospitality and the Arts

Martin Sullivan, experience in Accommodation and Tourism

Matthew Jordan, experience in Engineering and Construction

Eric Smith, experience in Hospitality and Management

Gordon Williams, Chief Executive Officer

Nicole Schultz, Communications, Events and Member Benefits

Amanda Sutherland, Communications, Events and Member Benefits


KaLIBA Core Principles

KaLIBA represents and supports EVERY business across the Kentish and Latrobe municipalities with free membership, regardless of industry, size or location

KaLIBA is independent, while collaborating and cooperating with all tiers of government, industry associations and other relevant organisations

KaLIBA is focused on the needs of businesses to support their wellbeing and prosperity

KaLIBA delivers business support, engagement, education, promotion, lobbying, networking and mentoring

KaLIBA engages with all businesses to create a united voice that fosters increased economic activity, for the benefit of businesses and communities