Privacy Statement, Terms of Use, Disclaimer and Copyright


In order to provide you with services we need to collect and use information about you.

This page explains how KaLIBA collects and uses any information you give to us and the ways in which we protect your privacy.

KaLIBA is committed to protecting your privacy and managing your personal information in a secure environment to ensure that personal information is protected and to specify guidelines for the collection, use and disclosure of that personal information.

Collection of your personal information including sensitive information:

KaLIBA will only collect necessary personal information from you directly and with your express consent. KaLIBA will clearly indicate what information is necessary to access KaLIBA products and services including transactions. KaLIBA may offer the opportunity for you to provide further information so that KaLIBA can provide you with improved services; however, provision of this information is at your discretion (except where it is a legal requirement).

KaLIBA may automatically record other information as well. This information is used to improve the performance of the KaLIBA website and to provide you with better services.

When you visit this site the KaLIBA Internet Service Provider makes a record of your visit and logs basic information for statistical purposes, including the user's server address, date and time of visit to the site, and pages accessed. Any data collected will not be used to identify users unless there is a legal obligation to do so.

KaLIBA does not record your email address unless you choose to send it a message or subscribe to membership. It will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it and will not be disclosed without your consent.

KaLIBA may also track the pattern of visitor usage to it’s website using a facility called a cookie. Cookies are small data files that we send to your computer so KaLIBA can remember information such as your password for access to our site, how many times you visited us before and the way you have chosen to view the site on earlier occasions.

Cookies can make using the KaLIBA website easier for you by storing information about your preferences on a particular website. The use of cookies is an industry standard and most major websites use them. Most Internet browsers are pre-set to accept cookies but if you would prefer not to receive any cookies, you can configure your browser to refuse them or to give you the option to receive them or not each time.

How KaLIBA uses or discloses your personal information:

KaLIBA will keep you informed of the personal information it holds. KaLIBA will only use your personal information for the purpose for which you gave it and KaLIBA will not pass your information on to third parties unless you have given your consent to do so or if KaLIBA is required by law to do so.

Security and quality of the information you send:

KaLIBA will take all reasonable steps to ensure the data quality and security of your personal information and undertake to remove it when it is no longer required (except when archiving is required).

You do not have to provide KaLIBA with personal information to use this site unless you wish to be included in the Online Business Directory, or purchase membership.

Unfortunately no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, as with other channels of communication, fraud is always a possibility. While KaLIBA takes reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, KaLIBA cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to or receive from online products or services.

How to access and correct your information:

If you wish to access or make changes to the personal information held by us please use the Contact Us form on this website.


You do not have to disclose personal information to browse this site. Wherever it is legal and practical to do so transactions may be carried out without you having to identify yourself. Where you wish to purchase membership, your business's contact details will be stored to deliver the Business Directory. The Association does not store your credit card or other transaction information, which is managed by a secure third party Internet payment gateway service.

Other privacy information:

The KaLIBA site contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to the KaLIBA site, so you should read the privacy policy of any site that collects personal information.

Please be aware that if you include your email address on the Business Directory it may be used by others to send you unsolicited messages.

You can obtain more information about privacy by referring to the Australian Privacy Commissioner's Website 


Unless expressly stated otherwise, KaLIBA claims copyright ownership of the content of this website ("the Material").

You may download, display, print and reproduce the Material in unaltered form (attaching a copy of this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use. KaLIBA reserves the right to revoke such permission at any time.

Apart from this permission and uses permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved.

Requests for further authorisations, including authorisations to use the Material on this website for commercial purposes, should be directed via the Contact Us form on this website.


About the Association and Terms of Use

KaLIBA is a not for profit incorporated association with an unpaid, volunteer Board of management.

Every business and organisation viewed by the Board as being a legitimate Kentish or Latrobe Municipality Business, is entitled to be a Free member of the Association.  Businesses can opt out of this free membership and from the Business Directory.

Registered Members receive information and other communications from KaLIBA that the Board believes assist local businesses. Businesses can opt out of free membership which will also opt them out of these communications.

KaLIBA also provides various levels of paid membership which provide additional promotional and other benefits to these members.  KaLIBA may change these benefits and subscription charges and such changes will be described on the Association website.

Revenue from paid memberships will only be used to foster the objectives of the Association to improve the environment for businesses in the Northern Midlands.

Paid members can change or discontinue their paid membership status at any time by using the Contact Us form on the Association website.